Thursday, May 16, 2024

Gone but, not completely forgotten

Here's one of the forgotten stories about CA's fantasy train. Here's the most recent LA Times article about the project not having enough money to be completed.

The political ideologue pushing her personal financial gain at the terribly heavy cost of taxpayers is no longer living. This invalid project no longer has the political strength to survive. The $25billion will be gone by the time the infrastructure is laid between Madera and Shafter. Not even enough money for the pointless stretch from Bakersfield to Merced.

Monday, December 12, 2022

leaning towards the future

 Hi again. Since it's the middle of December 2022, looks like time for another post. Lots has happened over the past year and excitement is in the air. 

This took a year and a half to get up and going:  This a membership organization, a part of the Ameliorate Group. It's a think tank to discover and develop sustainable transportation. 

Here's another site that is brand-new: . This is a different. It's just a sort of share site which draws attention to a new realm of science.

Both sites are relevant to sustainable transportation and the future of transportation. 

Monday, October 25, 2021

time flies

Finally getting back here to the blog.  It's been a couple years since a post.  Many things have transpired over the past couple years.  The biggest news is there is a new book, soon to be published: "Rising From Unsustainable, Replacing Automobiles and Rockets"

As soon as it is available on Amazon, there will be a link here.  It will be available first as an ebook and then the print copies. 

The first four chapters cover sustainable urban growth.  The last three chapters present an avenue to pursue for a new mode in transportation.  This new mode for transportation involves exploration into the study of theoretical physics.  Gravity is the most abundant force in the universe, it demands consideration as a source of motion for transportation. 

With the book is a new website which has a comments section from the: Ameliorate Group

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Update Clarification

A new article today March 3, 2019 from the LA Times hosts an excellent explanation to the CA governor and his halting work to the CA high speed rail project.  This post is short because the linked article is worth the read.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Update to CA's HSR

The CA HSR hit the news again.  Mr. Brown is no longer governor and the new guy isn't a fan of Jerry's misaligned train.  In the State of the State, the newly elected governor announced the fantasy train isn't realistic.  A couple days later the new governor back pedaled his announcement: Sacramento Bee, February 18, 2019 .  He now says high speed rail is still viable, just different.

For all the people who read this hidden blog, here is an industry insider's observation: there are two technologies working to get the new governor's acceptance.  The mystery is why these two refuse to work together for a win-win-win project that benefits everyone.  An optimist says they can.  

Thursday, July 19, 2018


There was something mentioned somewhere recently that is very profound.  It has to do with Superman.  The level of intelligence and perception by journalists is exemplified by the reporters of The Daily Planet.  For all the years that Superman was employed by The Daily Planet; his disguise was his glasses.  His companions were the sharpest reporters for one of the most prestigious newspapers in the business. 

Monday, June 18, 2018

Misled Persuit

Last week China rolled off a second generation low-speed maglev vehicle set.  This is a replacement to traditional light-rail transit system technology that no other country in the world is willing to invest in. 

Other countries focus spending on political security and social programs like welfare increase.  Government supported science and technological advance are secondary to the importance of political interests.  NASA's space program in the US has been overtaken by the private sector whose recent satellite launches have reduced expense by 60%.  This serves as an example to the wasted efforts of bloated bureaucracy. 

The automobile culture, as the foundation of Western society; does not lend intent to exploration of replacement investment.  Google and other cash rich organizations explore a dream of driverless cars to flood freeways and create a proliferation of gadget commodities that can generate future profit.  The importance of government support to maglev transportation efficiency has been ignored by the will of political power.

And China is building its fifth maglev transit system.