Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Toll of Sprawl

A recent article posted at cnu.org/publicsquare raises questions about mankind's evolving intelligence in regards to transportation.

The leading cause of death in the US (according to the CDC)  is heart disease, followed by cancer, then chronic lower respiratory disease, with the fourth leading cause of death as unintentional injuries.  Of the 136,000 accident deaths in 2015, 38,000 were by the automobile (Newsweek) .

This raises a question.  As mankind population expands, has it always been normal for mankind to die as a result of the mode of transportation?  When the only form of travel was walking, was it normal to trip and fall, killing the traveler?  Then, as animals were used as a common mode of transportation, was it common for people to fall off the animals to their death?  

The question expands: is it common and acceptable for transportation to cause death?  Has transportation always been a common source of death?  Why then are train deaths and airplane deaths as a percentage of miles traveled so much less than the automobile?  

The conclusion of the unanswered questions is that the presumption shows more examples of the automobile being unsustainable.  In a related study, financial aspects to automobile wrecks were found by the NHTSA in 2014 to show an annual economic loss of $836 billion.  

A society based on an unsustainable foundation will collapse.    Philosophically, in a realistic way; the nature of growth is to expand.  The course of automobile politics has stifled advances in transportation innovation.  The automobile centric land-use design is unsustainable environmentally, economically and socially.  This political procedure has to end for mankind to grow.  It is the nature of man to grow and explore.  Confinement harbors restriction and control which is the nature of slavery.  

Monday, August 15, 2016

It Is Time For Innovation

In a recent transportation newsletter this statement was made: “The Hudson Valley is a centrally located region with abundant fresh water that could absorb millions of new urban residents. By 20th century thinking, this would mean more highways and parking lots to accommodate auto-dependent living. Nobody wants major urban growth. People prefer green valleys and hills with low-density development. So Cuomo’s staff aren’t even thinking about this, let alone devoting planning resources to an APM-centered future.”  Since; “Nobody wants major urban growth. People prefer green valleys and hills with low-density development” how can this type of urban growth continue?  The statement that followed “Nobody wants major urban growth” proves a very problematic conclusion that government planning staffs are doing the opposite.  How is this legitimized?  In the world of government, politic's campaign contributors are considered the players and receive favors for their contributions.  These favors are free deeded properties, grants and zero interest loans. 

California legislators have drawn attention to their environmentally strict policies while the status-quo of deteriorating infrastructure is a malignant cancer.   Rather than purifying the quality of the State’s well-being, it has caused a malicious growth of financial favoritism which diminishes its citizen health.  Under Governor Reagan the CA EPA was established to provide protection to the environment.  All public jobs are now required to adhere to a EIS (Environmental Impact Study) with a maximum 300-page report (EIR, Environmental Impact Report).  The politicians have twisted the significance of this report to make the inclusion that if the project is unable to comply with environmental requirements, due to a myriad of reasons, then it doesn’t have to comply, upon the approval of the project’s governing body.

As an example; CA HSR project spent over $800-million to produce a useless and incomplete 12,000 page EIR.  The project was ruled by Jerry Brown to be exempt from CA environmental rules and regulations.  His friend and husband of CA’s Senator is the largest single shareholder of the firm that held the EIS contract.

The travesty is damage done to the decaying infrastructure.  Automobiles are fundamental to urban growth in the automobile centric design.  Within the government planning agencies there is a self- gratifying term used called: “Smart Growth”.  Lipstick on a pig.  When planners use this term they consider themselves smart.

Outside the spheres of the government’s malignant tumors is a tool called innovation.  It is time for a revolution in thought, creativity and fairness.  First task: modern transportation.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Time To Grow Out of the Car

As a society, we are at the point to grow beyond reliance upon the automobile as our single source of transportation.

To see what is ahead, there is a need to find where we are.  In the study of discovering where we are; comes an identification to the term: Car Culture.  Specific to that: the automobile is wholly unsustainable.  To build a society upon an unsustainable foundation predicts its outcome.
This picture illustrates that our automobile centric design provides for automobiles but, lacks the human component:


A road intense urban land-use design removes the social component for human interaction.  How much time does it take to walk across intersections like this?  Freeways are built for cars, not people.
LA set a bad precedent; the automobile centric land-use design isn’t designed for people. How many homes have been destroyed to build freeways?  How many neighborhoods have been shredded to build freeways throughout the country?

The automobile requires a land-use design mechanism of maintenance intensive roadways.  Land-use required for the automobile transportation system demands large quantities of vehicle area use which eliminates huge sections of land for any other use.  This transportation system is terribly designed due to its unsustainable land-use consumption, heavy economic burden, and negative social impacts.

When a person walks, the energy consumed is calories burned from food eaten.  For an automobile to carry a 200-pound load, this transportation system requires massive structures of roads and a 3,000-pound vehicle.  From a practical application of physics this is inefficient.

Of the argument that automobiles are used by people, the automobile centric land-use design in urban growth is a design strictly to accommodate the automobile.  The automobile that a licensed driver operates is not a single source transportation device.  It follows a specific design provided by the automobile centric urban land-use design.  This form of development is completely arbitrary with a Hodge-podge dysfunction whose sole purpose is set by individual land developers who seek profit in real estate.  More than conjecture, this is a statement of the way things are.
To the point again; we of this society have reached the point in our development to grow into the next step of transportation.

There are many new transportation alternatives, predominantly transportation systems in the category of PRT (personal rapid transit) show the most promise to meet society’s demands. 

All urban transportation plans require planning.  It is imperative for the government planning agencies to turn from their focus on the closed sighted demands of politicians and welcome alternative transportation sources beyond the automobile transportation system.