Saturday, January 16, 2016

A Statement From Voltaire

An article found at headlines the US Department of Transportation endorsement of self-driving cars.  The January 15,2016 story states: “At this week's North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx announced that "in 2016, we are going to do everything we can to promote safe, smart, and sustainable vehicles. We are bullish on automated vehicles."

January 14, 2016 AP  hosts a related story: link: US government developing policies for self-driving cars

This post is to state that bureaucracy is a product of its academia training.  Voltaire sums it up nicely with his quote: “It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.”  The point here is only saying that the product of human conditioning when conformity is the dictate, people are deprived of ingenuity. 

This blog constantly makes the point that the automobile is NOT sustainable.  Our society is called the Car Culture.  For the top transportation official in the US Government to make such harshly untrue statement is symptomatic as to why freeways are crowded.  When all cars are electrically powered and fully automated, is Foxx saying there will be no more crowded freeways, poor economic condition and an improved social condition?  That is the ignoramus statement he is suggesting when he allocates $3.9billion towards the development of driverless automobiles into a situation that has based the unsustainable land-use problem to a further endorsement which proliferates the source of the un-sustainability.  The automobile IS the source of un-sustainability but, sustainability is a land-use issue.  Whether an automobile is electrically powered or driverless is irrelevant to its UN-SUSTAINABILITY.

Voltaire is correct.  How does change take place to encourage sustainable urban growth?