Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Land Use

On the subject of land-use, this author in his search for relevance on the topic is dumbfounded by lack of interest from people.  Even the know-it-alls have no interest in a discussion about land-use of urban growth.  How is such a serious subject reduced to such a terrible state of ignorance?  The general look on a person's face is "Why are you talking about this or, this is beyond my perspective." There are those who listen with intense ears, never having heard such conversation; others slide into a mire of slumber.

Of the philosophical stance. observation is truth; majority stand not always maintaining factual reality.  Strength also not always allowing the reality of facts to stand as truth.

How does this relate to land-use?  The fact that automobiles are not sustainable and our car-culture is based on this unsustainable foundation.  This fact is problematic.