Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Workshops to attend

Public Workshops on Federal Stimulus Funds Begin June 14
Sessions Explore How Energy Investment Boosts California's Economy, Creates Jobs

What: Starting Monday, June 14, the California Energy Commission will host a series of six public workshops examining the benefits, challenges, and policy implications of investing American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds in California's energy sector. The workshops will explore how clean energy can stimulate the economy and create long-term jobs while reducing carbon emissions.

As part of the ARRA, the Energy Commission is administering $314.5 million for energy efficiency and renewable energy programs. The first workshop will focus on accountability and how to ensure that economic stimulus dollars are being spent responsibly to create jobs and improve the economy while preventing waste, fraud, and abuse.

Who: Matt Rogers, Senior Advisor to U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu, will talk about the U.S. Department of Energy's unprecedented efforts to provide clear accountability in the distribution and use of federal stimulus funding. Other presenters will explain how California is overseeing the distribution of ARRA funds and how the Energy Commission is auditing, verifying, and evaluating energy projects receiving stimulus dollars.

When: The six ARRA workshops will examine these topics.

June 14 - 1 p.m.: " Measuring, Verifying and Evaluating the Recovery Act's Benefits." This workshop will explore how California is fundamentally transforming the way we assess the benefits and verify the results of energy efficiency programs implemented under ARRA and what implications that has for the MV&E of other efficiency programs in the State.

July 8: "Local Government Leading Recovery Through Energy Retrofit." This workshop will explore how funding for state and local government energy projects is reducing energy consumption and saving taxpayers money. The workshop will highlight the innovations of the use of ARRA funds and how ARRA will forever change efficiency funding for local government programs.

July 13: "Golden State Leverage." This workshop will explore how the State used research and development and clean transportation funds to secure millions in dollars in federal funding for clean technology development in California. Particular focus will be on the projects and benefits that the funding will allow and how the ARRA forever changed the way federal funds are pursued.

July 21: "Clean Energy Jobs and the growth of the Clean Energy Economy." This workshop will explore the various initiatives underway to expand training and employment opportunities in the clean energy field. The workshop will hear from researchers, training organizations and agencies implementing some of the most cutting edge clean energy jobs programs in the country.

July 22: "Creating the Next Industrial Revolution." This workshop will explore how California is using ARRA funds and other tools to build a clean energy manufacturing base in the Golden State. The workshop will focus on new and existing programs and hear from industry leaders on what more can be done.

July 29: "How Energy Efficiency will Lead an Economic Recovery." This workshop will highlight and examine the roll-out of transformational existing building energy efficiency retrofit and financing programs across the State. The workshop will focus on how the programs address major market barriers and use ARRA funds to lay the ground work for the start of a new California economic sector.

Where: All six workshops will be held at the Energy Commission, 1516 Ninth Street in Sacramento and are open to the public. The workshops will also be broadcast via the Internet through WebEx, the Energy Commission's online meeting service. Presentations will appear on your computer screen, and you listen to the audio via your telephone. For more information, go to

Why: These workshops are part of the Integrated Energy Policy Report, which the Energy Commission prepares and submits to the State Legislature every two years, with an update in alternate years. The report recommends energy policies and actions to conserve resources, protect the environment, ensure reliable, secure and diverse energy supplies, improve the state's economy, and protect public health and safety. The 2010 Integrated Energy Policy Report Update will focus on how ARRA funding helps to advance state energy policy by stimulating the economy, creating jobs, reducing energy use, and furthering California's energy and environmental policy goals.

More information about the workshops and the Integrated Energy Policy Report is available on the Energy Commission's website at:

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