Tuesday, November 29, 2016

New US Transportation Secretary

'Let's go with promoting the status-quo' would seem to be the new administration's slogan for the upcoming Secretary of Transportation (Elaine Chao is transportation pick).  There is a tremendous lack of vision in establishment politics but, lots of room for the tradition of useless politically motivated pork barrel projects.  What tragedy will be burdened on the American public with more vision-less politicians adhering to political enrichment?  It is a sad and tragic step for the head of US Transportation to be one embraced in political corruption instead of holding a vision to know the economic value of efficient transportation.

One has to follow and participate in the advanced transit industry to understand the industry.  Maglev technology is a necessary part of successful US transportation.  Automobile centric land-use design is un-sustainable, repairing America's road infrastructure is as useless as a band-aid to repair a broken neck.

On a positive note: a seed has to die for it to transition into a living plant.  The US transportation infrastructure is on its death bed.  Perhaps this political appointment will result in the final death blow to the US transportation infrastructure and the result will be a new life to efficient growth with modern transportation technology.

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